Hypnosis For Alcoholism: How Does It Work?

Just like drinking, all behaviors that we repeat every day are directed from the subconscious mind. This is what makes hypnotherapy an effective and powerful tool to modify behaviors or change them altogether.

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Hypnosis for Agoraphobia: How Can Hypnosis Help?

Even if you don’t know what agoraphobia is, probably you heard from a friend or a family member that they are not comfortable being in public places or traveling with public transportation. These two are just a few symptoms of agoraphobia and cases are increasing with the spread of COVID-19.

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Do You Lack Self-Worth? Here is Probably Why:

When we are first born, we start exploring the world with a clear understanding that we are welcome, wanted, and loved. However, as we grow up and try to make sense out of the actions of our social group, we tend to drift apart from what we knew naturally. Why does it happen and why do we tend to forget what we knew so deeply when we were born?

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Negative Coping Mechanisms: Do You Do Any of These?

As humans, we look for pleasure and avoid pain. We repeat the activities that provide positive feelings and we postpone uncomfortable feelings that are hard to deal with. However, negative coping mechanisms that we have may be pushing us further away from happiness and fulfillment.

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How to Improve Your Sleep with Simple Changes to Your Routine

Are you having sleep problems? Do you wake up in the middle of the night or can’t fall asleep at all? Don’t worry, that means you are amongst the 70 million Americans who suffer from a sleep problem. However, regulating your sleep doesn’t have to be that hard. Try these small changes to get a deeper and more consistent sleep!

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5 Self-Help Tools That Will Help You Release Anxiety

If we know that stress and anxiety may lead to a physical detriment (and we do!), It Is our responsibility for ourselves to work on stress and anxiety. It is actually a lot easier than you may think. Here are a few simple and easy tools that you can use at home that will help you release your stress and give you better management of anxiety

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How Can Hypnosis Help With Pain Relief?

Isn’t It stunning that the mind can create, decrease, and even remove pain? Merely by using the mind’s power, it is possible to modify the physical experience. Hypnotherapists know this and we have plenty of techniques to change your toxic relationship with chronic pain.

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