What Should You Know Before Committing to Hypnosis for Weight Loss?
Jane did everything in her power to lose weight and be healthy again. At nights, she argued with her mind not to eat junk food, she ate foods that her taste buds didn’t appreciate, she left the dinner table when she wasn’t full and she did it all right for a whole entire month. And it worked! She lost 20 pounds in return. Would you like to know what happened after? She regained all that weight within 2 weeks – yes, just 2 weeks! -. I can almost hear you saying “yea, I guessed that”. Jane is an imagery character and Jane represents the majority of the people in the U.S. struggling to lose weight. If you are like Jane, you already know that It’s not only hard to lose weight but also, it’s almost inevitable to regain it all back after the diet or workout plan is done.
According to Cleveland Clinic, it is not that difficult to regain the weight that was lost with Bariatric surgery as well. After about 12 to 18 months, many surgery participants experience weight gain and maybe even eventually get back to where they were before the surgery.
The reason why many people cannot keep the weight off regardless of what method they try is that their body and mind normalize being overweight. Their body cells and metabolism work, react, and change as an overweight person even though they may have lost a significant amount of weight.
According to Michigan Health, gaining a significant amount of weight changes our biology. Not only our physical body changes but also our mindset and subconscious patterns adapt to the weight gain as well. As a result, many people find themselves constantly fighting within and still finding that they are at the starting point.
This is why many people decide on trying hypnotherapy eventually. A hypnotherapist will not advise a diet or a workout routine but rather, she will work with your subconscious mind to change the belief systems and patterns that eventually adapted to weight gain. For you to get the best out of hypnotherapy you should know exactly what you are getting into. Here are a few key points you should know and expect from a hypnotherapy session for weight loss:
It may take a few hypnotherapy sessions to reach your goal, and that’s ok
“One session to stop smoking” or “one session to eliminate your phobia”, it sounds enticing, right? Hypnotherapy for weight loss may take longer than other therapeutic goals. Remember, hypnotherapy’s objective is not just weight loss but also keeping the weight off in the long run. Working with eating patterns, increasing movement, and changing the beliefs about your subconscious self-image may take a few sessions.
Since hypnotherapy for weight loss tends to be a longer form of therapy, you may realize that many hypnotherapists offer package solutions or they look for a longer commitment. This is very normal because the majority of people will be able to reach their ideal weight after their subconscious mind cooperates with them. It doesn’t mean that you cannot see significant benefits in one session, but rather, this is for you to know that if you need a number of sessions it is very normal.
Hypnotherapy will make it easier than you think
For someone who wants to lose 50-60 pounds, the road ahead may look more challenging than fun. That’s why you chose hypnosis, right!? It is easier to be motivated to make better eating choices or to make time for a good workout after hypnotherapy sessions. Additionally, with the help of hypnosis, cravings are managed effectively and urges seem to “pass away” without any internal struggle.
Repetition is a way of mastering the body.
Hypnotherapy will require outside-session actions
A hypnotherapy session is a great way to build inner motivation through hypnosis but how realistic is it to expect to change your body weight and your actions without everyday practice? Repetition is a way of mastering the body. Your hypnotherapist may give you some homework to practice in between the sessions to reinforce your mind and keep you working towards your goal. These activities can be anything from journaling to listening to the recordings or writing down the food intake to walking daily. In the end, they all contribute to the weight loss journey.
The journey with hypnosis may be a gradual process
According to the CDC (Center of Disease Control and Prevention), healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week. Again, for someone who wants to lose 50-60 pounds, this may look like a long shot. When weight loss is done in a healthy way, the body adapts to the mindset of a healthy, fit person. Therefore, the resistance to change behaviors is eliminated and the person can make better choices without a struggle. When the weight is lost in a healthy manner, it is also easier to keep it off. This process can usually take about 3-12 months to reach the desired weight.
You will feel empowered with hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic process in which you discover your subconscious beliefs and separate the toxic ones from the helpful ones for yourself. During this process, many people realize that they were living with a negative self-image fueled with shame, guilt, worthlessness, and/or lack of trust. During hypnosis, you get a chance to discover yourself without these negative emotions. It’s almost like meeting with yourself again, just like when you were born. This opens up a new door for positive emotions and finally creating a positive subconscious self-image within. Many people report feeling happier, more fulfilled, and more confident.
You are more likely to keep the weight off with hypnotherapy
How many times have you tried a diet or a strict workout plan that helped you lose weight, but quickly, you regained all that weight? This is one of the most significant reasons why many people almost give up and get discouraged along the way. The reason why you cannot keep the weight off is that the body adjusts to being overweight. Therefore, even if the weight is lost quickly, the body and the mind don’t get a chance to adjust in that short time frame.
During hypnotherapy, the hypnotherapist will mostly work with your habits, beliefs, and patterns so that your body and mind are already in the “thin mode”. When you actually eat healthily and be active, your mind is ready to support the weight loss and continue being a healthy, fit person.
Final words…
Now you know what to expect from a hypnotherapy session for weight loss. Are you ready to take on the journey? This journey will require you to take care of yourself physically and mentally but the rewards will definitely worth it!