How to Improve Your Self-esteem and Self-Confidence with Hypnosis?
We all have an idea in mind of a look, a feeling, and a memory of confidence in which we felt very self-assured. However, we don’t always carry that confidence around with us. Depending on the situation, people or events, we may even feel inferior at times.
Self-esteem and confidence are the foundation of success, happiness, health, and relationships. If you are working so hard to accomplish something in your life and somehow usually find yourself failing, this may be a sign that you may be lacking self-confidence and self-esteem.
What is Self-esteem?
Self-esteem is used to describe one’s self-worth and self-respect. In other words, it’s the feeling of “I’ve got this!”. Strong self-esteem feels like one has enough resources and knowledge to deal with a situation. It also brings out one’s natural resources such as an appreciation for one’s emotions, behaviors, thoughts, and/or body.
Why does self-esteem matter?
Self-esteem and self-confidence have been found to be the key to a happy and fulfilled life. Self-esteem is directly correlated with having healthy relationships, motivation for improvement, and a stronger sense of “self”.
For example, imagine someone with high self-esteem walks into a job interview. Just picture in your mind how that person would stand, express themselves, and talk about their passion for the job. A person with high self-esteem can easily create a good impression on others and therefore accomplish their goals easier.
Now, think about another person with low self-esteem walking into a job interview. You can picture the difference clearly. For example, maybe that person’s shoulders will be down, the way they talk about themselves is almost negative and maybe they are even dressed carelessly. Naturally, the way that a person thinks of himself/herself is easy to observe from the outside.
Self-esteem reflects all areas of life. If you are in a toxic relationship, think about how and why you attracted that kind of person and relationship into your life. If you are overweight, think of how would you take care of your body if you had higher self-esteem. If you are unsuccessful in your job, think of how you presented yourself or how you stand up against the people you work with.
Self-esteem helps us to be proud, confident, and happy about who we are. A strong idea of self-esteem will motivate us to strive for better results overall and help us cope better with real-life situations.
By increasing your self-esteem, you can change the way that you perceive yourself and improve different aspects of your life with a positive outlook.
Self-esteem is directly correlated with having healthy relationships, motivation for improvement, and a stronger sense of “self”.
How is self-esteem established
According to research from the University of Washington, a person’s self-esteem is established until the age of 5. Also, many important personality traits of a person are established even before kindergarten.
Clearly, parents play a significant role in the establishment of one’s self-esteem. According to Good Therapy, there are other contributors to self-esteem as well. It is constructed by beliefs, social interactions with others, rejection, and childhood.
For example, if a mother has low self-esteem, she may talk about herself negatively or be overprotective towards her child. This mother’s child will more likely to have low self-esteem as well because he or she will observe, hear, and learn from the mother about low self-esteem.
Another example is a parent criticizing and making negative statements about the child such as “You are stupid” or “You are ugly”. Because the child doesn’t have judgment skills yet, he or she may take those statements as intrinsic self values and identify with them.
On the other hand, a child who is challenged, praised, or encouraged by parents is more likely to have higher self-esteem.
How to improve self-esteem?
1- Identify your self-esteem
2- Check if the belief system is right?
3- Find daily challenges
4- Get professional help
How to improve your self-esteem?
Just because we learned and observed during our childhood, it doesn’t mean that we have to live with those beliefs and perceptions for the rest of our lives. Just like belief systems, self-esteem is changeable as well.
1- Identify your self-esteem
The first step is to identify the belief that you have about yourself. When you look at the mirror, who do you see? Can you even look at the mirror? Some people have negative self-talk creeping up during an event or a confrontation. For some, self-esteem will be high in some areas but low in others. It is important to identify the area that needs work.
2- Check if your belief system is right
After you understand your beliefs about yourself, work on validating the belief system. Do you really need extra work on that specific area or is it your subconscious mind convincing you? If you really need improvements in an area of your life, start working on yourself. Learn what you can do better and get honest feedback from the people you trust. If you are undervaluing yourself, review your past and start acknowledging all the accomplishments in your life.
3- Find daily self-esteem challenges
Improving yourself is a never-ending journey. The more you improve, the more opportunities you will realize. One way to continuously improve yourself is to committing daily challenges. Do things that are uncomfortable for you. Challenge your comfort zone.
4- Seek professional help
If you realize that you cannot be objective towards yourself and it’s hard to get out of your mind, you may want to seek professional help. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been found to be an effective treatment for self-esteem. Additionally, hypnotherapy is an in-depth tool that works directly with the belief systems from one’s childhood.
How can hypnotherapy help build self-esteem and self-confidence?
Hypnotherapy is a form of subconscious therapy. Under hypnosis, the subconscious mind becomes suggestible and open for changing negative beliefs.
Although it may seem like the conscious mind is where we mostly operate, the subconscious mind holds all the belief systems and programming such as learned habits. All the information, observed scenes, and memories from childhood are stored in the subconscious mind as well. Sometimes you may experience negative self-talk in your mind. Yep, that is the subconscious mind too. Recent research shows that the subconscious mind holds about the 90% of total mind power. In other words, although you may “think” highly of yourself, you may be “believing” the opposite.
According to research by the University of South Africa, hypnotherapy is an effective tool to build positive self-esteem. During hypnosis, we rediscover early on learned belief systems. Negative and toxic self-image can be modified by imagery journeys or hypnotic release methods. Positive affirmations and suggestions are more powerful under the hypnotic state. By understanding the goals and dreams, the hypnotherapist can lead the subconscious mind towards the right path.