Common Body Language Patterns of Confidence
Did you know that only about 7% of communication is verbal communication?
Albert Mehrabian, who is a famous body language researcher, came up with the 55/38/7 formula; which means 55% of the communication is non-verbal, 38% is vocal and 7% is verbal. In other words, your body language makes up more than half of your communication with others!
We can all agree that confidence is probably the most important element in any relationship. Whether you are going on a date, walking into a job interview, or recording a video, you need to be able to show your confidence physically, emotionally, and verbally.
Thankfully, there are some common physical cues that can send the signal of your confidence to others. If you pay attention and master these body language patterns, you will be able to show off your confidence at any given time!
We communicate confidence physically, emotionally and verbally.
1. Firm handshake
The most important part of leaving a remarkable impression on someone is the first 5 seconds of the meeting. What screams “confidence” better than a good old firm handshake?!
Handshake is a signature greeting move that communicates your presence and confidence. For example, a loose handshake can signal insecurity, uninterest, or weakness.
Especially in networking events, meeting with new people, or someone important, make sure to keep your handshake firm and strong (but also be sure not to crush the other person’s hand!)
2. Constant eye contact
Eye contact communicates a variety of things such as interest, listening, focus, and most importantly, confidence. Confident people can look into others’ eyes surely and they can maintain that for the duration of the conversation as well.
When we are confident in what we are saying or when we are focused on the person right across; by focusing on their eyes, we can make them feel more comfortable and give the message that we believe in ourselves.
3. Tall stance
Think about someone who seems very confident to you. How do they stand? Have you ever seen someone who is confident but standing slouchy or looking down? The answer is probably no.
Since we have basic animal instincts, when we are sure of ourselves and our capabilities, we carry this in our posture as well. We stand tall, shoulders back, chest up and the head is looking straight.
4. Comfortable body
How you move when you are communicating with others can influence the way they feel about the message that you are relaying.
For example, if you are stiff and crossing your arms, and talking about friendliness and openness; people may think that you are not trustworthy because your body and your words are not aligning.
Another example is if you are constantly shaking your legs, tapping your fingers, or playing with a pen, those could be signs of nervousness even though you may try to come off as confident.
When you want to show off your confidence, try to be as relaxed as you can be. If you find that you are a bit nervous, do a quick stretch before the interaction or move your arms and legs around. Use your hands as necessary and make sure not to cross your arms!
5. Slow and clear tone in speech
Another common sign of confidence in someone is the way they speak. Meaning, the tone of their voice, pace, and annunciations will be clear and concise.
Think about a speech in which you were very moved. Was it a very fast and low-pitched speech? Or was it clear, slow, under toning certain words?
Next time, when you speak, remember to slow yourself down just a little bit. You can also focus on the message you’d like to give and use your tone in a way that can deliver your message more clearly.
6. Mirroring
As humans, we like and prefer what we are familiar with. We also feel more comfortable when we feel seen, acknowledged, and heard. Mirroring crosses all of these marks of human nature as well as building trust with the person right across.
The easiest way of mirroring someone is paying attention to their breathing and the way they stand. By replicating their breath and body, you can easily meet them where they are and start building a sense of trust!