Hypnosis for Mental Health

Most people know hypnosis as a fun entertainment performance from comedy shows or parties. However, hypnosis also has a completely different function of helping with physical and emotional ailments known for the last 500 years. Nowadays, many people can benefit from hypnosis with self-improvement issues. But clinical hypnosis can also assist with medical and mental health issues as well.

The reach of hypnosis is wide and broad, but it has limits just like everything else. Especially people who struggle with some of the common mental health issues can find long-term relief with clinical hypnosis.



What mental health disorders can hypnotherapy help with?

From anxiety to depression or some of the most common cognitive distortions; hypnotherapy can help with overcoming limiting thinking and disruptive mental images. Here are some of the common issues hypnosis can help with:


Mental health disorders

Hypnosis for anxiety

Anxiety disorder is a common mental health issue, diagnosed and undiagnosed affecting millions of people. Anxiety involves lots of cognitive distortions, and anticipation along with physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, pit in the stomach, or heaviness in the chest. Reasons for anxiety can be from the past, present, or related to a trauma. Hypnosis can help with retraining the mind to correct distorted thinking as well as helping with any suppressed past issues. You can learn more about how helpful hypnosis can be for anxiety in my previous article by clicking here.


Hypnosis for depression

Depression is a complex mental health issue that can involve childhood issues, trauma responses, or even physical issues. With hypnosis, we can help with depression relief by untangling subconsciously suppressed issues and emotions. You can read more about how hypnosis can help with depression in my previous article by clicking here.


Hypnosis can help with self-improvement issues as well as helping with physical and mental health disorders with the referral of mental health practitioners.

Toxic thinking patterns

Hypnosis for overthinking

Overthinking has become a common word for many of us. Although it may seem harmless at first, overthinking often leads to anticipation and unnecessary stress. Hypnosis can help redirect negative and irrational thoughts while helping to replace them with positive and constructive thoughts.


Hypnosis to stop intrusive thoughts

Similar to overthinking, intrusive thoughts can affect one’s confidence, self-image, ability to perform, and overcoming challenges. Hypnosis can help with intrusive thoughts by resolving any root cause issues and working on creating a positive subconscious self-image.


Hypnosis to change bad habits

As humans, we are habitual beings. We all have habits. But some habits are harmful such as smoking, alcoholism, or drug addictions. With hypnotic visualization and subconscious reprogramming, we can train the mind to respond to habit triggers in a whole new way!



What mental health issues hypnotherapy may not be as helpful?

Even with clinical hypnotherapy, there are some mental health disorders hypnotherapy not only may not be as effective but it can also pose some risks. For example, for disorders such as Bipolar disorder, Multiple personality disorder, or Schizophrenia, hypnotherapy can trigger a manic or depressive state. Additionally, vivid visuals may be triggering for these disorders as well.

However, with the doctor's approval, hypnotherapy can still be explored as an option. Not all people who experience these disorders will be triggered by hypnotherapy. In some cases, hypnosis can help balance and regulate emotions and correct irrational thoughts. The doctor who is part of the treatment and evaluates the patient will provide the best insight.



Does insurance cover hypnotherapy?

Unfortunately, in the United States, most insurance companies do not cover hypnotherapy as a treatment option unless you have a specific plan or hypnotherapy was prescribed to you specifically by a medical doctor or a psychiatrist.

To be front, during my practice I haven’t encountered any insurance plans that covered hypnotherapy. We hope that as the use of clinical hypnotherapy gets wider, insurance plans will begin to cover it as an alternative form of therapy just like acupuncture or chiropractic care.



All in all

Mental health disorders affect our life quality directly. Even though the common instinct is to avoid facing these issues, long-term relief is possible only with retraining and healing the mind. The best place to start is a licensed mental health therapist. But as a deeper subconscious support, hypnotherapy is a great option to maximize your mind power!