Does Hypnotherapy Work For Quitting Smoking for good?

Have you been smoking for so long (since you’ve known yourself!) that it seems impossible to quit this deadly habit?

Maybe you stopped smoking already but still contemplating having that one final cigarette every time you see someone enjoying a puff…

Or maybe you tried to quit smoking but, you ended up back at square one, eventually, each time you tried to quit, it became harder than before.

Unfortunately, you are not alone. Many smokers attempt to quit multiple times before they quit for good. Most often, they find themselves having “one final cigarette”, which actually leads them back to the habit again.

How the unconscious mind affects your smoking habit

It is found that most of our daily decisions are made unconsciously. Even when we think we are consciously deciding on something; the subconscious mind makes the decision a few seconds ago.

So, when you think that you decided to eat healthy today, the subconscious mind preps you for this action. This is the main reason why hypnosis and hypnotherapy are very effective to change habits, especially in quitting smoking.

During hypnosis, we gain access to the subconscious mind to make the desired changes. The basis of success for quitting smoking without the treacherous withdrawals with hypnosis is building subconscious support and reinforcement.

Here is how hypnotherapy can help with quitting smoking:

Smoking isn’t only a behavioral habit

The smoking habit has two important components: Nicotine addiction and emotional dependency. During the smoking cessation hypnotherapy sessions, not only do we focus on building new positive subconscious beliefs, but we also work on reducing nicotine addiction.

Hypnotherapy sessions help with recognizing triggers that lead to intense urges. It is also possible to stop smoking by reducing nicotine consumption first. So when you are ready to become a non-smoker, chemicals are not controlling your body as much.

Hypnosis helps with building subconscious motivation to quit smoking

The reinforcement and motivation that is necessary to take the actions towards becoming a non-smoker come within. This subconscious motivation helps with avoiding cigarettes at all times. Not even one cigarette is allowed.

Oftentimes, smoking is triggered by recurring daily events such as smoking after a meal, after sex, or while driving. Hypnosis reminds the mind to be aware of those automated behaviors.

Self-awareness increases with hypnosis

During hypnotherapy sessions, we also focus on self-awareness and confidence strengthening which creates an inner motivation to make the right choices for the self.

We work on increasing values around one’s identity such as self-worth and self-confidence. This is a necessary step to quit smoking because when we love and respect ourselves, we make different choices about eating and taking care of ourselves. This applies to smoking as well. Saying “no” to cigarettes becomes easy and effortless when you value your self.

The power of emotional release with hypnosis

Hypnosis can also help with emotional release. Many smokers smoke cigarettes to cope with negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and stress. Especially If the smoker is mainly smoking to suppress emotional distress; we can use various hypnotic methods such as guided imagery, hypnotic suggestions, or EFT tapping to release the negative pressure. With this type of smoker, the focus would be on releasing negative emotions and reprogramming the subconscious mind.

Nicotine withdrawals are minimized with hypnosis

Nicotine is obviously the main chemical that keeps the smoker coming back for more. This is why sometimes it may be hard to stop smoking cold turkey. Nicotine withdrawals can be intense and make you feel like there is no way out.

What goes on in our body during nicotine withdrawal:

·      Intense cravings

·      Insomnia

·      Nausea

·      Headaches

·      Constipation

·      Sweating


During the hypnotherapy sessions, we specifically focus on the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. We discuss coping techniques as well as craving management tools. In other words, we use hypnosis to reinforce the mind-body connection that allows the subconscious mind to dismiss urges to smoke cigarettes.

stop smoking with hypnosis

Hypnosis helps with quitting smoking for good.

Why do people gain weight after quitting smoking?

Many people are afraid to gain weight after they stop smoking. Some people experience weight gain themselves, and some others hear scary weight gain stories from friends. The question is; do you absolutely gain weight if you quit smoking? The answer is no.

Nicotine affects the body in a number of ways. Even though you may not be aware of it, as long as there is nicotine in your bloodstream, there will be some hormonal and chemical changes in your body. These effects can be prevented by merely understanding them and taking the necessary steps to change.

Here are some of the physical changes happening in the body with nicotine:

nicotine leads to Loss of Appetite

It is found that nicotine activates a part of the brain that suppresses the feeling of hunger. In other words, our regular eating habits are inhibited while nicotine is in the body. When you stop smoking, you will go back to your normal hormonal regulation that controls the appetite, metabolism, and glucose release.

At first, this may feel like weight gain but it’s only a phase of getting used to your hormonal balance. By snacking on healthy alternatives and being active, you can fasten this phase and get out of it successfully!

nicotine Fastens the metabolism

Another common effect that cigarettes have on the human body is that it fastens the metabolism slightly by increasing the heartbeat. When quitting smoking, it is normal for the metabolism to slow down or go back to its normal levels. This might be perceived as gaining weight, but again, this is just the normal way of functioning for the body.

Another reason for weight gain after quitting smoking

Another reason why people gain weight after quitting smoking is that they replace smoking with unhealthy eating habits. Imagine grabbing a snack every hour, just like grabbing a cigarette. It is inevitable to gain weight when another unhealthy habit is present.

During hypnosis, we particularly work on establishing healthy ways of coping with stress and life situations. This is an extremely powerful tool for new non-smokers. Even if there is ever craving for cigarettes, they are able to let it go with simple stress release tools that we teach during hypnotherapy sessions.

So why hypnosis doesn’t work for everyone?

Hypnosis is a tool that can only be used if the smoker wants to stop. As hypnotherapists, we cannot make anyone do something they are not willing to do.

Here are some of the reasons why hypnosis might not work for you:

-       You want to quit smoking because a loved one wants you to quit

-       Your doctor told you to quit

-       You enjoy cigarettes, you love them but you want to stop smoking because it’s unhealthy

It is really important to understand that hypnosis is not magic, and it requires your commitment and willpower. Hypnosis is definitely not a forceful tool. It won’t work if you are not the person who is behind this important decision.

Did you know?

It is found that the chances of an adolescent being a smoker are increased when the parents are smokers (or even ex-smokers).