Hypnotherapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
We often hear people saying “I am obsessed” or “It became an obsession for me”. We tend to use the word “obsession” to emphasize and express liking something a lot. However, obsession as in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a lot more than just an obsession.
Obsessions can become a disorder when these behaviors become disruptive to one’s lifestyle. For example, if you are having to do things differently to the point where you are limiting your life because of an obsession, you may be facing OCD.
The most accurate diagnosis will come from your licensed mental health practitioner who will be equipped to help you. Meanwhile, other subconscious tools such as hypnosis can be really helpful to address the root cause of the issue as well as changing the habitual repetitions behind the compulsive behaviors.
What is OCD?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves two significant parts: Obsessions and compulsions.
Obsessions are thoughts, ideas, or emotions. Eventually, these obsessions lead to wanting to do something over and over again which are compulsions.
Psychiarty.org explains OCD as a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions).
Common obsessions can be fear of germs, extreme focus on symmetry and tidiness, recurring thoughts of checking or fear of losing something important.
Common compulsions can be excessive hand washing, counting numbers, checking locks or arranging things in a specific way.
In short, once the person encounters a trigger that sets off an obsessive thought, compulsive behavior seems to bring a temporary sense of relief.
How does OCD occur and develop?
Even though OCD has been a topic that has been researched for years, there is still not one specific cause that is related to OCD. However, we know that anxiety tends to be the key element in OCD cases.
It is found that often anxiety, eating disorders, or depression can go hand in hand with OCD. In other words, when treating OCD, it is crucial to also focus on other mental health issues that may be related to this problem.
In many cases, OCD and other anxiety related issues can be caused by a life event, family history, and significant life changes.
Common treatments for OCD
Traditionally, psychotherapy is the most common treatment option for OCD. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can offer significant help with OCD symptoms.
Another common treatment option is medications such as antidepressants. Your doctor will recommend the most suitable option for you.
Hypnotherapy is another well-known but uncommon approach for OCD. Working with hypnosis for OCD, hypnotherapists will work with your licensed mental health professional. The results can be very miraculous!
Even though it’s not commonly known, hypnotherapy can be very helpful with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Hypnosis for OCD
With hypnotherapy, the focus is on the subconscious mind which is the part of the mind that triggers obsessive thoughts. When OCD is addressed with hypnotherapy, results can be quicker and more effective since this time you will be using an untapped part of the mind that triggers are set.
During hypnosis, the approach will change according to the individual’s needs. Hypnosis can help with overcoming obsessive thoughts, eliminating triggers, controlling compulsive behaviors, and it can also help identify and resolve the root issue.
How can hypnotherapy help with OCD?
Here are just a few common ways hypnotherapy can help with OCD:
Hypnosis can help with obsessive thoughts
Obsessive thoughts, emotions, and fears are the triggers of compulsive behavior. Therefore, when obsessive thoughts are controlled, compulsive behaviors can potentially disappear.
Obsessive thoughts arise from the subconscious mind. These thoughts can be caused by suppressed traumatic events, emotions, or certain learned thought patterns.
During hypnosis, we can focus on replacing these disruptive thought patterns with healthy, positive thought processes. We can do this by understanding the root cause, and addressing any limiting fears or learned behaviors. We can also use a technique called desensitization technique which is a sort of exposure therapy on steroids.
In one case study, when combining hypnosis with traditional therapy, the subject was able to slowly control triggering thoughts. In comparison to a session without hypnosis, in which the subject reported very little improvements.
Hypnosis can help with anxiety
OCD often includes anxiety as well. By controlling anxiety, one can be able to control OCD symptoms too. Hypnosis is a great therapeutic technique to control anxiety and anxiety related issues.
During hypnosis, it is easier to create a calm state and learn how to trigger a similar feeling of peacefulness with the help of hypnosis. Additionally, during hypnotherapy, the person can effectively release negative emotions and trauma that could be triggering anxiety.
Another way to help with anxiety using hypnotherapy is the anchoring technique. Once the person reaches a deep state of calmness during hypnosis, an anchor is determined. Anytime the person practices the anchor, even when they are not hypnotized, they can recreate a similar state of calmness and relaxation.
Hypnosis can help with compulsive behavior
Even if you have difficulty controlling obsessive thoughts or anxiety, it may still be possible to control the habit pattern which is compulsive behaviors. The less we repeat the compulsive behaviors, the weaker the habit will get.
There are a variety of techniques a hypnotherapist can use to break a habit or compulsive behavior. Imagining a different positive behavior instead can be a great first step. During hypnosis, our imagination and reality become enmeshed. Therefore, anything imagined becomes more possible.
Another approach can be training the mind to replace the behavior with deep breathing under hypnosis. Deep breathing can trigger a calm response while helping the person detach from the toxic behavior.
OCD is hypnosis
OCD and hypnosis are actually pretty common states! Surprised? Let me explain.
Hypnosis is a focused state of mind in which the imagination is highly activated. During the state of hypnosis, we can still move and continue with actions but the mind will be focused on another powerful thought. Think about driving a car for a long time on the freeway. You can still hear your surroundings and your other senses are probably active but your actions are on autopilot, such as pressing gas or breaking.
Think about OCD now. OCD is a state in which thoughts trigger a patterned behavior. During the behavior, the person is usually on autopilot, busy with just fulfilling the behavior but the mind is really focused on anxiety or the toxic thought pattern.
OCD is a trance state. The easier way to get out of an OCD trance is to use a hypnotic trance to control the unconscious trance to get out of it!
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental health problem that is very common and affects lots of individuals every year. Hypnotherapy can offer great support and healing for OCD symptoms. During a hypnotic trance, the subconscious thought process changes, and patterns are eliminated from their roots. Remember to check with your licensed mental health professional first. Keep in mind that the subconscious mind is where the patterns are suppressed!