Hypnosis for Fear of Abandonment: How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

It’s common. It’s deep. It affects every kind of relationship you have. Welcome to the world of fear of abandonment!

Most people who have a fear of abandonment either know what they are dealing with through therapy and self-discovery or they are completely out of touch with the deeper cause and they blame lack of confidence, previous infidelity, or the people they are in relationship with. 

The truth is, with the fear of abandonment, even the people we attract into our lives will be emotionally unavailable. We attract what we subconsciously believe. Without overcoming the fear of abandonment, you may find yourself circling around similar people with similar endings.

Hypnotherapy can help with doing the deeper work of uncovering the root cause of the fear of abandonment. Hypnosis also gives space for changing subconscious beliefs about yourself, relationships, love, and the type of relationships you deserve.



What is fear of abandonment?

If I have to describe the fear of abandonment, I’d say a sneaky feeling of anxiety and worry that is combined with jealousy, self-doubt, and intense imagination. You wouldn’t call it fear of abandonment right off the bet. It would take some self-awareness and inner work.

Fear of abandonment is a deeply rooted anxiety that stems from the worry of losing someone important in your life, whether emotionally or physically. This fear often develops from past experiences, such as childhood neglect, relationship breakdowns, or traumatic loss, and can significantly affect how you form and maintain relationships.



How does the fear of abandonment show in relationships?

Fear of abandonment affects every aspect of a relationship. If you have a fear of abandonment, you may find that you constantly attract emotionally unavailable people, people cheat on you or you cheat on people, or you may sabotage a good relationship.

People with a fear of abandonment may struggle with trust, self-worth, and an overwhelming need for reassurance.

Being in a relationship when you have a fear of abandonment can feel like the right person never seems to find you and you are attracting people who don’t align with your future desires. You may feel like you are holding onto people so much that they feel suffocated and they leave. Or you may be struggling with opening up to people completely in an unconscious effort to protect yourself from abandonment.


Fear of abandonment and jealousy

Not surprisingly, fear of abandonment and jealousy are closely linked, often feeding off each other and creating emotional turmoil in relationships. Think about it; fear of abandonment stems from a deep worry about rejection or being left behind, while jealousy arises from insecurity and the fear of losing someone’s love or attention. Together, they can lead to overthinking, mistrust, and unhealthy relationship dynamics.



In addition to therapy, hypnotherapy can help with subconsciously healing your inner child.

How can hypnotherapy help with the fear of abandonment? 

Inner child work

Most people who struggle with the fear of abandonment were left by a significant person in their childhood. This can be a result of divorce, a caregiver passing, a caregiver leaving the family, or an outside caregiver such as a nanny leaving the job. As a result, that little child is left to feel irrelevant to the world, unimportant and unlovable. 

When we become adults, the responsibility of healing the wounds of our little child passes on to us. We have the option to provide the things our parents failed to provide for ourselves.

Hypnosis creates a powerful state to meet that little child once again but this time with a wise, loving and accepting perspective. During hypnosis, we can give that child what she needs and comfort her to safety.


Strengthening the subconscious self-image

As a result of being left and feeling unlovable, unimportant, and broken, as a child we learn that we are not enough, we are not worth staying or there is something wrong with us. In other words, we start to believe into a negative reality about ourselves.

We learn to put ourselves down. Shame and guilt become a regular feeling. Lack of confidence becomes a major block and self-destruction becomes inevitable. 

With hypnotherapy we can retrain the mind to recreate a new self-image but this time a positive, intentional self-image that can support your desires and goals. Our subconscious self-image affects our self-talk and how we live our lives. By changing our subconscious self-image, we can change the reality we experience.


Changing the narrative

After the intense feeling of abandonment, we unconsciously create a story about ourselves, our relationships, our values, family, and how we relate to the world as a whole. We create a narrative that starts dictating future relationships, experiences, and life events. It’s important to change this negative narrative in order to free yourself from the fear of abandonment.  

This learned story is suppressed in the subconscious mind and its decorated with images, memories, words, sounds, and emotions. During hypnosis, we can really go through that story and help you realize that this story isn’t accurate and nor its beneficial anymore.

During hypnosis, we can take advantage of the suggestibility of the subconscious mind to re-write that old story in a more positive way and this time fill it with details you want to attract into your life.



Wrapping up

Have you ever wondered if you struggle with the fear of abandonment? This may be a subtle feeling creeping every time you are in a relationship you value. Or you may be filled with resentment towards someone in your family. Remember, it’s a creepy fear that is filled with shame, guilt, self-doubt, and sabotage.

If you find yourself there, the best place to start is working with a licensed therapist. And when you are ready to go deeper to face that little child in you, hypnotherapy might be just what you need to embrace that little one with all the love and unconditional acceptance!