Hypnosis and Skin Problems: How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

Skin is the biggest organ that we have. It is also the most immediate outer part of our body while interacting with the outside world. This is why skin problems not only create physical discomfort but also takes a toll on self-esteem.

If you’ve heard of common skin problems such as lupus, psoriasis, eczema, or skin picking, you probably already know about how they can affect someone’s life significantly. Often these conditions extend over the years and many people spend lots of resources such as time and money to find a cure for their skin problem.


What causes skin problems?

The causes or triggers of skin problems still remain mostly unknown. However immune system plays a big role in some of the widely known skin problems. For example, lupus, eczema, psoriasis, and shingles are associated with a weak immune system or autoimmune problems.

It’s important to note that each skin problem comes with its own causes and healing methods. However, by focusing on two important aspects, we can bring relief to physical discomfort and emotional weight:

1-    Stress, upset and negative feelings make any condition worse

2-    Skin is how you show yourself to the world. It’s how you feel about being yourself. What is it that you are uncomfortable with yourself?

Recently, it’s been becoming more and more evident that the mind and the body are connected. An article that was published in the American Psychological Association about the link between skin problems and psychology gives a great example:

When Rick Fried, MD, PhD, gave a talk at a dermatology conference seven years ago on the relationship between psychological and dermatological problems, at least one dermatologist in the audience was skeptical about the mind/body connection. Then another dermatologist stepped to Fried's defense, telling her colleague that before he attacked Fried he should at least make sure his zipper was up. The skeptic's fly wasn't really down, but his deep blush vividly illustrated the impact that emotions have on the body's largest organ — the skin.

"How amazing is it that a simple cognition — ‘I said or did something foolish' — can cause virtually every blood vessel in the skin to instantaneously open up, causing a blush or flush?" asks Fried, a psychologist turned dermatologist who is the clinical director of Yardley Dermatology Associates and Yardley Clinical Research Associates in Yardley, Pennsylvania. "That's pretty amazing evidence that the mind and body are linked."”


Of course, it’s a lot harder to determine whether a condition is caused by psychological distress or not. But we know one thing as a fact: Stress and worry make symptoms worse.

When stress and worry are involved, the condition becomes a vicious cycle. Stress worsens the symptoms and discomfort; and the worse symptoms get, the more worried the person becomes.


How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy has been known to strengthen the mind-body connection. The mind is the control room of the body consisting of emotions, beliefs, and subconscious memories. According to what is stored in the subconscious mind, the body’s decisions, cellular actions, and movements are determined.

Hypnosis targets to adjust these subconscious beliefs, emotions, fears, memories, or anything else that may be causing the problem in the first place. Hypnotherapy has been shown to decrease stress, worry, inflammation, and ease the pain. According to a research article by Phillip D. Shenefelt from the University of South Florida, a wide spectrum of skin disorders may be improved or diminished by using hypnosis.

Hypnosis has also been extensively researched as a treatment for warts. In one study, 53% of the hypnotized patients lost – in comparison to 0% out of the non-hypnotized patients- at least some of their warts.

Here are a few areas hypnotherapy can help with skin problems: 

Releasing stress and worry Hypnosis is a naturally calm and relaxed state. During hypnosis, the mind calms down and the person can open up to new perspectives while releasing negative emotions. Overthinking slows, focus shifts within, and negative self-talk tempers down.

Leaving an old memory Sometimes people get stuck in a disease because a family member suffered from the same condition or they’ve heard a scary story about the results of that disease. They may remember the suffering or the emotional roller coaster that they’ve been through. This negative memory replays in the mind over and over again and creates intense fear. During hypnosis, with the regression or emotional release, it’s possible to leave the memory in the past and acknowledge that everyone has their own story.

Easing physical pain and discomfort Most skin conditions have uncomfortable physical symptoms such as itching, burning, or tingling. These can disturb daily life and keep the attention on the skin. During hypnosis, it’s possible to work on soothing the specific area, diminishing the pain, or allowing it to shift to the back of the mind.

Creating a positive outlook and hope When feeling calm and relaxed, it’s easier to be positive or keep the focus on the exciting things. During hypnosis, the natural calmness and relaxation allow the person to create positive images and hopeful connections in the mind. After all, hope is what makes us wake up every morning and keep going no matter what happens, right? 

Creating a positive subconscious self-image When someone feels uncomfortable being themselves or being in their own body, this can present itself as a skin problem as well. When you don’t like yourself or don’t accept yourself as you are, the conflict will reflect on the outer body. During hypnosis, you can really tune in to your own beliefs and ideas about yourself. Everybody is born lovable and accepted however in time, we fall apart from this inner knowledge. Hypnosis helps the person get back to the roots and opens a gate for self-love and acceptance.


Final words

Psychodermatology is still a developing area in America. Although there is a strong correlation between skin problems and psychology, it’s hard to prove cause and effect relationship. Before you explore any holistic healing methods, make sure to check with your licensed medical doctor first. Sometimes the help is very simple and quick. Other times, when you find yourself struggling, hypnotherapy can be a good option to explore!

***The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.