How Can Hypnosis Help Forgive and Let Go?
If you have ever experienced betrayal from someone, you probably know how difficult it is to forgive the person. Not only it is difficult to forgive but it’s also challenging to let go of the difficult emotions attached to it such as regret, resentment, anger, or hurt.
In a way, by keeping the attention on the emotions and the memories of the hurtful instance, your subconscious mind tries to protect the self from a similar experience happening again. But in day-to-day life, this process is draining and it affects life quality and happiness significantly.
Most people experience flashbacks, random bursts of anger or constantly being fixated on the person or the event. Rather than focusing on the goals and desires, the attention is on what went wrong. That is to say, it’s essential to forgive and let go in order to move forward.
What is forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a process that involves letting go of emotions such as resentment and anger towards oneself and others. It is absolutely liberating and it helps with clearing the burden of grudges. The process of forgiveness allows for healing to take place, allowing a greater sense of inner peace.
Forgiveness starts with acknowledging emotions, remembering our shared humanity, and choosing to release negativity. This inner freedom that comes from letting go, empowers us to move forward and recreate trust with others.
On the other hand, forgiveness does not mean forgetting. Oftentimes, people mix the two terms however they are completely different. Forgiveness simply means releasing any attached emotions and taking away control from the person or event. But this doesn’t mean forgetting what happened or acting as if nothing happened.
Can you forgive someone and still be hurt?
Part of forgiveness is letting go of difficult emotions and hurt is just one of them. It is still quite common to feel hurt or betrayed, however. After all, we are humans and it takes time to digest certain experiences and integrate the emotions subconsciously.
In these cases, taking proactive steps to clear remaining emotions can be very helpful. You can try the famous Hawaiian prayer “Ho’oponopono”, writing down your feelings and burning them in a safe fire after, hypnotherapy to facilitate subconscious integration, or meditation can be helpful for finding inner peace as well.
How can hypnotherapy help with forgiveness?
Hypnotherapy is a very powerful technique to let go or integrate subconsciously suppressed emotions, events, people, or memories. Even if you may think that you’ve forgiven the person consciously, subconsciously you may still be holding on to blocking emotions. During hypnosis, sometimes even random surfacing of old events or people may occur.
Here is how hypnotherapy can help forgive and let go:
Hypnosis facilitates self-forgiveness
True forgiveness starts with self-forgiveness. If one cannot forgive themselves, how can they forgive another person? Especially when there is resentment and anger involved, it’s common to be also mad at yourself for not seeing the signs, taking the blame, or feeling guilty in general.
Hypnosis helps to widen the perspective and really see yourself as a whole subconsciously. As the eternal soul that you are, there are no mistakes or blames; there is no right or wrong, everything is just is.
Hypnotherapy can help you detach from the emotions and take back your control subconsciously, eventually leading to true forgiveness.
Releasing emotions subconsciously with hypnosis
Letting go of emotions subconsciously can bring a significant amount of relief and clarity. During hypnosis, not only will you recognize any conscious or subconscious emotions but also, you will get a chance to release them completely.
Rescripting subconsciously with hypnosis
Rescripting is a hypnotic technique that allows us to change the ending of an event subconsciously. So rather than dwelling on the hurtful outcome, you get a chance to have a different ending that will reinforce inner peace.
Gaining closure subconsciously
Sometimes you may not be able to forgive someone because you didn’t have closure. When your mind doesn’t understand why something happened, your mind will bring it to your attention in an attempt to make sense. Especially if the person is not in contact anymore, you may be left with many unanswered questions.
During hypnosis, you can give a voice to this person and energetically, receive their answers. Even though these may not be their exact answers, they can bring relief to you subconsciously. Being okay subconsciously with not having an answer is another benefit one may gain with hypnosis.
What are signs of true forgiveness?
Genuine forgiveness is characterized by emotional shifts and improved relationships. When someone truly forgives, they free themselves from the heavy burden of resentment and bitterness.
They also no longer seek revenge or hold grudges, but instead, show empathy and understanding towards the wrongdoer. A clear sign is the ability to recall the past offense without intense anger or pain, approaching it with detachment and acceptance.
True forgiveness also initiates personal growth as one learns from the experience and remains open to reconnections with others. This transformation leads to increased emotional well-being, reducing stress and anxiety, and leading to compassion, peace, and growth within.
Wrapping up
When it comes to deep forgiveness and letting go of attachments, subconscious processing is a must. Hypnosis does just that; helping you gain clarity and insight subconsciously while letting go of stuck emotions. In the end, feeling a sense of relief, hope and clear future sight are what you should expect to feel!