Can Hypnosis Help Stopping Binge Drinking? A Comprehensive Guide
When Covid hit, and all of us had to be confined inside our homes with our “loved ones”, some of us were simply alone, we had to learn how to deal with stressors. Not only we had to deal with our already existing internal “demons” but also, we had to do this while we are dealing with our partners, kids, jobs, or feeling of loneliness.
Some of us used helpful techniques like painting (sales of painting equipment have gone up by 65% during Covid!), picking up a new hobby, working out, or cooking more. But for some of us, using unhealthy coping tools such as binge eating, skin picking, or worse binge drinking became inevitable.
Especially a habit like binge drinking can be very sneaky. If you ask binge drinkers, they won’t admit that they have a drinking problem even though they may be drinking “a glass of wine with the meal” or “an after-work beer with friends” every day. Even though the daily consumption can be small, the consistency of it all along with drinking uncontrollably on some days signals that binge drinking is just as problematic as alcoholism, if not even more dangerous.
Hypnosis can help with binge drinking by providing healthy coping mechanisms, changing thought patterns, and overall habits and behaviors.
Here is how to use hypnosis as an alternative treatment for alcohol addiction and how it can help you break free from the cycle of binge drinking:
How can hypnosis help with binge drinking?
Hypnosis is a technique that's gaining popularity as an alternative treatment for alcohol addiction, and it might just be the solution you've been looking for!
Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that helps with deeper relaxation and focus, allowing you to access the subconscious mind in order to change thought patterns, behaviors, habits and even disturbing past memories.
The success of hypnosis to stop binge drinking
Studies have shown that hypnosis can be an effective method for a variety of addictions, including alcohol addiction.
Research that was published in the Journal of Addiction Therapy and Research revealed that participants who used hypnotherapy reported having less emotional distress and most importantly significantly less alcohol use.
Additionally, there is plenty of research showing that hypnosis can be a successful alternative treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress which are essentially the exacerbating factors of binge drinking.
Hypnotherapy can help with binge drinking by reprogramming the mind subconsciously.
Hypnosis techniques for binge drinking
There is a variety of hypnotic techniques a hypnotherapist can use to help someone break the binge drinking cycle, depending on the individual needs. Here are just a few approaches one can use:
Finding the root cause of Hypnosis
One of the best things about hypnosis is that it helps get to the root cause of the addiction. Whether you learned about binge drinking growing up from a parent or it was triggered by an emotionally challenging event, hypnosis can help you uncover and process it effectively.
Creating healthy coping tools with Hypnosis
You may turn to alcohol to cope with stress, anxiety, or depression, and hypnosis can help you address these underlying issues and develop healthier coping mechanisms. More often than not, we rely on alcohol as a distraction from difficult feelings and emotions.
Changing the negative patterns with hypnosis
Hypnosis can also help you break the cycle of binge drinking by changing your thought patterns. For example, if you turn to alcohol as a way to cope with stress, you can be taught to use other relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
Replacing binge drinking with the help of hypnosis
Hypnosis can also help you develop new habits and behaviors. You can be taught to replace your binge drinking habit with a healthier activity, like exercise or reading. Your mind prefers repeating behaviors. During hypnosis, you can be reprogrammed to practice new habits instead.
Final words
In conclusion, hypnosis can be a valuable tool in your journey to overcome alcohol addiction. By addressing the underlying issues that contribute to your addiction, changing negative thought patterns, and developing healthier coping mechanisms and habits, you can finally break free from the cycle of binge drinking with hypnotherapy!