3 Ways to Start Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for IBS
Recent research shows that gut-directed hypnotherapy is one of the best treatments for IBS and IBD; more effective than lifestyle and diet change alone. However, not knowing where to start and being intimidated by the hypnosis process can be a significant hamper for many people.
This is a step-by-step guide for the ones who need to start their gut-directed hypnotherapy journey. You have a few options to pick the best technique for your needs!
1. Find a gut-directed hypnotherapy practitioner
Your first option is to find a hypnotherapy practitioner. This is the first option because this is where you can get the most benefits. Working one-on-one, you will get a chance to dive deep within your subconscious mind, your beliefs, and triggers for inflammation.
You can either work with a medical doctor who also uses hypnosis techniques to do gut-directed hypnotherapy. But you can also work with a hypnotherapist who specializes in gut issues and the mind-body connection. I’d recommend working with a doctor for a more medical approach and working with a hypnotherapist for a more holistic and healing approach.
You can also check out my guide to finding the best hypnotherapist for you.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy usually takes 6+ sessions. So when you consider this option, remember that consistency and reconditioning the mind is key!
2. Download a gut-directed hypnotherapy app
If you are not ready to be in the care of a hypnotherapist yet, consider gut-directed hypnotherapy apps. These days, there are many apps that are specifically designed for gut-directed hypnotherapy and it is reported that they bring positive results.
One of the most known ones out there is the Nerva app. Nerva’s content is approved by clinicians and it’s filled with recordings and other tools that you can incorporate into your routine. There are also other apps you can use and modify your subconscious beliefs.
We now know that the disconnection between gut brain axis contributes to IBS and IBD significantly.
3. Try Self hypnosis
Sometimes the app doesn’t cut it as well. You may just want more of a deep connection but still not be ready for a hypnotherapist. Self-hypnosis is great in these cases. After all, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis!
Self-hypnosis is a hypnotic tool that is very similar to meditation. After leading yourself to hypnosis, you can give yourself positive suggestions about a healthy and comfortable gut or you can visualize and imagine everything flowing comfortably in your gut.
Self-hypnosis is a simple yet very effective technique! You can read more about how it can help you, here.
Final words
Living with an inflamed gut can be very challenging. Between the physical discomfort and not being able to eat or drink whatever you desire, things can get frustrating. However, we now know that the mind contributes a lot to the problem. Hypnotherapy allows you to address the mental and subconscious portion, reconnecting you to healthy gut movements.
There is more hypnosis can do for your gut. Read here how you can use hypnosis to heal and recover.